What Is Observed
One experiences human observation individually.
One observes constantly through the available senses and decides what makes sense to them.
Along the path of the journey, one begins to realize what they believe their purpose is.
Even those who believe there is no purpose, have made it their purpose to believe such things.
There are those things which make more sense than others.
There is a way of looking at reality that is cohesive when looked at rationally and logically.
Of course these conflict depending on who we ask.
This makes sense since people are imperfect…
What Else Is Observed…
This brings me to another point of my own personal human observation.
We seem to universally understand we are not perfect.
We seem to see that we are not always good.
Of course, there are those who believe they might be perfect.
This is usually proved otherwise by those who know that person personally.
And You Know What Else…
All this talk about imperfection leads me to another observation!
How do we know what perfection looks like?
Some would say we are taught it by those who raised us.
I would say to an extent,
but there is something within us all which makes choices individually based on everything we are raised to believe.
If ideas of what is perfect, good, and right are not real but simply taught then one could never truly say a thing is right or wrong, or perfect or imperfect.
Yet that is not the case is it…
We all feel wronged when someone offends us.
If someone murders someone you love, you feel wronged.
If someone takes something of yours, you feel wronged.
Certain truths are universal,
though some may say otherwise until they are faced with it.
How Do We Know What Is Truth?
Since we have already proclaimed a humans lack of knowledge concerning perfection and his inability to achieve it,
how can one ever know the Infinite?
We must seek deeper for the answer and realize that perfect truth is one with the creator of it.
All the universal laws that govern the universe,
all the perfect truths that exist,
point us to the Eternal.